의약바이오 특강 (2023)
차시 | 강의명 |
1차시 | Single-cell transcriptome analysis of perturbed immune system in inflammatory diseases (이정석 교수/KAIST) |
2차시 | 단일세포 및 공간전사체학 (박정빈 교수/부산대) |
3차시 | Whole genome sequencing analysis towards genetic architecture of autism spectrum disorder (안준용 교수/고려대) |
4차시 | Predicting genes associated with RNA methylation pathways using machine learning (한남식 교수/캠브릿지대) |
5차시 | Integrating human biology into the single graphical structure (박종은 교수/KAIST) |
6차시 | Spatiotemporally Resolved Single-cell Analyses Delineate Early Esophageal Squamous Carcinogenesis (최정민 교수/고려대) |
7차시 | Chemical derived hepatic progenitors: silver lining of the regenerative medicine for the liver (최동호 교수/한양대) |
8차시 | Dissecting cellular heterogeneity and plasticity in physiology and disease (김종경 교수/포항공대) |